
What is magnitizing?

Just like humans, animals also have an energy field around their physical body (also called aura). Due to certain influences, often from outside, animals can become unbalanced, resulting in disharmony. The purpose of a healing for animals is to detect and treat blockages in the animal.


For what animals?

Any animal can be treated energetically. An energy treatment has a healing effect on physical complaints and also for animals with behavioral problems. It is good to remember that these animals mirror their owner. Complaints from an animal can therefore also be related to the owner. that’s why a healing for the animal can also involve an awareness process on the part of the owner.


How does a treatment go?

I prefer to treat animals in their own environment, where they usually feel safest. This works better in making contact and the healing process during and after the energy treatment. At the beginning the treatment, you tell us what the animal’s complaints are and what change you need. During the healing, the animal itself determines whether this is done through direct touch or what happens at a distance and what is or is not healed. During the healing I also receive a lot of images and other things, I share these immediately, which gives a lot of extra insights. After the healing you decide whether you want a follow-up treatment. In it I give advice about the various further treatment options. Which depend on the ‘’complains’’ and the animal. Usually animals with emotional problems need 1 to 3 treatments.